1900: born on 31 January.
1907: Spring – destruction of the village where he was born and departure
for Varna (Bulgaria).
1908: October – death of his father.
1915: First illumination – he hears the ‘music of the spheres’.
1917: Winter – meets the Bulgarian Master, Peter Deunov, for the first time.
1923-35: Sofia, university studies – gains a degree in psychology and attends courses in different faculties; college principal.
1937: July – arrives in France.
1938: January – gives first public lecture at the Sorbonne in Paris, on the subject of ‘the second birth’.
June – gives first public lecture in Lyon, on the subject of ‘spiritual galvanoplasty’.
1944: 27 December – death of Peter Deunov at the age of 80.
1945: first fraternal group in Switzerland, country where he will stay frequently, particularly during February and March.
Christmas – publication of first book, Love, Wisdom, Truth, now called The Second Birth (Complete Works, vol. 1).
1947: purchase of the property, ‘Izgrev’, in Paris where he gives lectures and holds meetings.
1948: 16 January – the association Universal White Brotherhood is officially created.
21 January – arrested following false accusations.
1950: March – freedom (his name is cleared in 1960).
Mid-March – renews contact with the brotherhood at Izgrev.
1953: Opening of the first Congress at the Domain of the Bonfin, on the
Côte d’Azur in the south of France.
1959: February – leaves for India.
1960: February – returns from India.
1961 – 1985: frequent journeys overseas:
- stays in various countries, giving hundreds of lectures,
- has meetings with high-ranking religious and spiritual leaders,
- conducts thousands of private meetings.
1972: publication of the first volume of the Complete Works.
1986: final year spent at the Domain of the Bonfin (Var, France).
25 December – Passes over at the Domain of the Bonfin.
Countries visited:
England, Scotland, Germany, Canada, Ceylon, Egypt, Spain, United States (California, Florida, Texas, New York, Washington D.C. and Hawaii) and several time especially during the last years of his life, as well as the Caribbean, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Morocco, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Yugoslavia and also Blugaria in 1981, the first time after 44 years out of his natal country.
Generally, he spent the end of each year and New Year teaching at the Brotherhood centre, ‘Izgrev’ in Sèvres near Paris. He would then go to Switzerland to give lectures at the Brotherhood centre, ‘Videlinata’. He repeated this yearly pattern until 1981.
At Easter, most years, he would go to the Domain of the Bonfin (the Brotherhood centre at Fréjus, in the south of France), where he would also stay for the summer months giving lectures from July until the end of September.
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