Daily Meditation: Friday, February 14, 2025
Initiatic Science makes it possible to predict a human being’s future - We are free to do as we please
We are free to do as we please, of course. You can even distance yourself from the Lord, but you will soon see what destiny awaits you. What motivates someone who separates themself from God, who does not want to remain in the light? The most commonplace goals: the desire to become rich, powerful and famous. They want to eat, drink and indulge in all sorts of pleasures. Then, because their ideal is so mediocre, they are forced to crawl around exploring low regions where unhappiness and disappointment lie in wait. You can predict a person’s future just by knowing their ideal, for they will go where that ideal leads them. With knowledge of Initiatic Science, nothing is easier than predicting the future of human beings. When we see what tracks a train sets off on, we know exactly what route it will follow and its final destination.*
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov