Daily Meditation: Monday, March 24, 2025
Food - put yourself in a receptive state while eating
Nobody doubts that food gives energy, and everybody has heard about calories, vitamins and hormones. But how many people have taken this further, to see what food can provide on more subtle planes? Sadly, far too few. If, while eating, you were able to put yourselves in a truly receptive state, your food would tell you how all the energies it contains have travelled across the universe, which beings have encouraged its growth, and which the entities have tended it night and day, infusing it with this or that property for the use of God’s children. Our food even bears traces of all those who worked the fields or walked nearby. Reading books is not the only way to learn. We can also learn from our food, and the knowledge we receive while we eat is living knowledge, because it permeates the whole substance of our being. The revelations made by our food may not be the kind we can speak about afterwards, for they are not aimed at the intellect; rather, they are sensations that enrich our whole being, our entire existence.*
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov