
Result: 'Pleasure' (9)

To seek pleasure is a normal tendency in every human being – we all know that. However, should we have absolute faith in this natural impulse that urges us to satisfy all our instinctive desires? Some people enjoy eating or drinking to excess, ...
Not only does pleasure not bring happiness, it is often the pursuit of pleasure that stops you from finding happiness. Pleasure is an enjoyable and fleeting sensation that leads human beings to believe that by making it last as long as possible, ...
Whatever the situation, you must never use pleasure as a criterion. Or, at least, know that it is a very inadequate one, because what gives humans pleasure generally feeds their instincts more often than their soul and spirit. You need only look at ...
If you want to know the secret of love, first of all you must avoid confusing it with pleasure. You will say that without pleasure love is so boring and bland. Not at all, for pleasure concerns only the physical plane. Beyond pleasure there is the ...
When you acquire the habit of weighing up what you gain against what you lose when you give yourself up to pleasure, you will find that the losses are huge and the advantages almost nil. Why sacrifice so much precious psychic and spiritual energy ...
How can we resist the temptations of pleasure? Pleasure is not a reliable guide, and when we allow ourselves to be governed by it, the results are most often unpleasant.Feasting in a restaurant is pleasurable, but after you have eaten, you must pay, ...
Provided that we wrong no one, each of us is free in theory to do whatever we want, even to indulge ourselves. Why not? The problem is that by engaging in extravagances, in satisfying all our desires, we sign a pact with inferior entities, and later ...
When human beings take pleasure as their guide they are in great danger, for what pleases them generally feeds their instincts more often than their soul and spirit. For proof, just look at where they find their pleasure: in eating, drinking, ...
Nature impels people to seek pleasure, for without it life would lose its flavour, its meaning and become dull and monotonous. It is pleasure that animates and lends colour to life, so there is no question of doing away with it. The only thing is ...
Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
+word1 +word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.