
'Prayer' (44)

The work we do together through prayer and meditation has a beneficial effect on thousands of people throughout the world. It prepares their minds and hearts to desire and accept a new and luminous philosophy, a new, fraternal way of life. In this ...
So many people live any old how the entire day and then in the evening, before going to sleep, they say a little prayer asking God to forgive them their sins. Well, that is not enough. They should know that this behaviour is certain to keep the ...
Angels govern the four elements – earth, water, air and fire – and these angels are God's servants. That is why we can ask the Lord to send his angels to help us in our spiritual work.Here is a prayer you can say: ‘Lord God almighty, Creator of ...
...urish the celestial entities and the many creatures in the universe. This image will direct your thoughts towards the place where the divine presence manifests itself most intensely and you will feel that your prayer is echoed. The initiates a...
In your prayers and meditations, begin by trying to reach the saints, the prophets, the initiates and the great masters, that is, those beings whose mission it is to take care of human beings. Then, you can rise further and invoke the angels because,...
For many believers, prayer is a matter of expressing their grievances to God. However, they should instead realize that the Creator has given them all the means, both physical and spiritual, to look after their needs and even those of others, and ...
We can only come into contact with God, the Cosmic Spirit, by coming into contact with the spirit within us, with our higher self. So when you pray to God, you are actually seeking to attain the summit of your being. And if you succeed, you will ...
Initiatic Science sees prayer as the meeting of our soul with the cosmic Spirit and our spirit with the cosmic Soul. These two meetings give our prayer its power. Those who think that praying means asking the Lord to give them all they need for ...
Prayer is not just a simple reaction of naïve and gullible people who, the moment they find themselves in difficulty or distress turn to the Lord, imagining he has nothing better to do than to come to their aid. True prayer is based on a science ...
Have you acted wrongly and now you feel condemned? Or, even without being guilty of any particular misdemeanour, does it pain you greatly to still be so imperfect, weak and wretched? Even in the depths of your distress, never forget that the Lord ...
Earth, water, air, fire – the four elements – are governed by angels, the servants of God. That is why we ask the Lord to send us these angels to help us in our spiritual work. Here is a prayer: ‘Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, ...
Prayer can be a silent outpouring of the heart or soul. But if it is to be really effective, it must be done in the three worlds – the mental, astral and the physical. Praying is not a matter of asking for anything and everything, depending on the ...
Prayer offers us the possibility of access to another dimension, to a reality of another order. Outwardly nothing may have changed, but prayer produces great changes in the heart and soul.You will often have noticed that those people for whom ...
...All expressions of life in us emit sounds. Thoughts, feelings and actions that respect the laws of harmony resonate like music in a way. And when we also find the right rhythm for our gestures and our words, we live according to the laws of mus...
You see so many things in your life that need to be improved, and you pray, ‘Lord, grant… Lord, give me…' For your prayers to be granted, they must be supported by an unwavering faith and continual effort. Heaven is more than willing to answer your ...
Prayers and rituals in which believers beg for help from above are only effective if they put clear intent and ardent feeling into their words and gestures. Otherwise, it is pointless, and it's no use then wondering why they are suffering, why ...
You are unhappy, despondent, and you have the feeling that no one sees you and no one can help you. You are wrong – in fact there are thousands of entities watching over you. Call for their help by sending out light, that is to say, your faith, love ...
When we pray to the Lord, we connect to him, but what is the nature of this connection? If we do not try to raise our ordinary level of consciousness when we are addressing him, if we have only personal demands to make of him, our affairs may in ...
Do you pray, yet feel it is no use, because your prayers are not answered? Well, you are mistaken. If your prayers are sincere, intense and disinterested, you are answered, but this comes gradually. What you are asking cannot come about rapidly, but ...
You will often have noticed how those people for whom prayer is a natural, spontaneous response are better equipped than others when faced with suffering and misfortune. Because they are able to struggle free from the darkness and heaviness of the ...
It is pointless to have faith and pray to the Lord if you have not begun to work by at least putting a seed in the soil, as any gardener would. To those who are content to say, ‘Lord, please give me love, wisdom, strength, peace, joy…' the Lord will ...
Prayer offers humans the possibility of gaining access to another dimension, another order of things. On the outside there is no obvious change: if it is cold, they shiver; if they are ill, they may remain so. But in their heart and soul, prayer ...
Have you acted wrongly and now condemn yourself for it? Or, even without being guilty of any particular misdemeanour, does it pain you greatly to still be so imperfect, weak and wretched? Even in the depths of your distress, never forget that the ...
Some people have kept up their childhood habit of praying before going to sleep. They live any old how during the day, and then, come the evening, they say a little prayer asking God to forgive them for their faults. Well, it isn't enough, and if ...
When you want to buy something in a shop, you have to offer something in exchange for what you want. If you will not pay, the shop will refuse to give you anything. In nature, in the spiritual world, everything happens exactly the same way as in the ...
Initiatic Science sees prayer as the meeting of our soul with the cosmic Spirit and of our spirit with the universal Soul. It is this meeting that gives our prayer its power. Anyone who thinks prayer is about addressing their demands to the Lord, as ...
All creation, nature as well as man, obeys the principle of hierarchical order. One indication of this order is that the closer we get to the summit, the purer and subtler matter becomes. In order to obtain the particles of this subtle matter, we ...
...ected towards a precise point. By adopting this method, you will gradually become master of your thoughts and obtain results....
The moment they find themselves in difficulty or distress, those who are naïve and gullible turn to the Lord, imagining he has nothing better to do than to come to their aid. But this is not true prayer. True prayer is based on a science which has ...
One day a priest was addressing his parishioners, the majority of whom were very rich. He said to them: ‘Brothers, as you can see, our church is old and needs to be restored. But it will be very expensive, so let us think what we can do.' In one ...
In his prayers and meditations, a disciple must begin by trying to reach the saints, the prophets, the initiates and the great masters, that is, those beings whose mission it is to take care of human beings. Then, he can rise further and invoke the ...
People who pray do so to obtain something, but it is in fact in prayer itself that you should find joy, in the act of praying, knowing that the day your prayers will be answered you will no longer have the joy of asking. When wishes are fulfilled, ...
You say that you pray but without any result, and that you have a feeling of being in a void. I will give you a very simple but very efficient method. When you pray, start by imagining a multitude of spirits scattered around the whole world, ...
It is in prayer, in the act of praying, that you must find happiness, knowing that the day your prayers are answered, you will no longer have the happiness of asking. When our wishes come true, there is nothing more to rejoice in, and we miss those ...
...scious feeling is without effect. The psychic world is like an immense ocean into which pool the thoughts and feelings of all human beings. These thoughts and feelings are living entities, which, depending on their nature, create either benefic...
Having spent a certain amount of time immersed in a spiritual atmosphere, where they felt surrounded by light and warmth, disciples find themselves once again back in the ordinary world where they are obliged to mix with all types of people. After a ...
...f prayer is in its intensity, and the intensity of prayer depends on the ability to detach one's thoughts and feelings from all extraneous preoccupations. So, for a brief moment, put aside all other considerations and immerse yourself in intens...
Prayer is not an activity reserved for gullible people who have been taught that the Lord has nothing better to do than to listen to their mutterings. True prayer is based on a science that deals with the structure of the universe and the different ...
In their prayers and meditations, disciples must always begin by turning to the saints, prophets, initiates and great masters, for it is they who have the mission to look after human beings. Then, they can rise to a higher plane and invoke the ...
Prayer* is the breathing of the soul, and this breathing affects not only our psychic bodies but our physical body as well. Sincere, ardent prayer triggers a succession of reactions that can even modify the movement of electrons in the very ...
Each of us has the ability to wish fervently, to ask insistently, and that is what prayer is. You do not have to be very intelligent or educated to call out to heaven; you simply need to have an intense feeling. Which is why, if someone is hesitant ...
In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus says, ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...' With these words, Jesus tells human beings that it is their task to transform, beautify and purify the earth so that one day it becomes like ...
... remains exclusively in the world of thought, it will not produce results on the physical plane. Thoughts have to be expressed in words in order to affect the physical plane through the vibrations of sound. If you fail to give your prayer words...
Some people ask, ‘Why should we pray to God?' The truth is that God does not need our prayers, but He has equipped us with certain devices and tells us, ‘Switch them on yourselves for they are well built and they will work!' You have all seen those ...
Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
+word1 +word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.