Daily Meditation: Sunday, March 23, 2025
Humility - giving the Divinity pride of place within us
Contrary to what many people believe, true humility is not a matter of belittling ourselves to the point of total self-effacement, constantly repeating, ‘I’m a nobody, I’m worthless!’ True humility is giving the Divinity pride of place within ourselves in order to manifest all its virtues and riches. But how many people are able to understand this truth? And as they have not understood it, they have rejected humility, thinking, ‘I wouldn’t dream of putting myself down!’ and have wound up putting themselves before the Lord, or even in the Lord’s place. In doing so, they actually shrink and fade to the point of vanishing. Human beings are such imperfect creatures, yet their greatness lies in understanding that despite their shortcomings, they can work wonders, provided they place the Lord first in their minds and in their hearts. Without the Lord, humans will not get very far—whatever they do will be human, mediocre. We must understand this, and do everything to allow the Lord in, to let Him manifest Himself through us, and take us into His service.*
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov