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Caduceus of Hermes - representation of two currents, positive and negative
The caduceus of Hermes is a representation of the structure of man: the two serpents intertwined around the central staff are the two negative and positive currents that wind around either side of the spine. The Hindus call them Ida and Pingala, and they call the central channel inside the spine Sushumna. An Initiate is a person who knows how to work with both currents. As their work progresses, they acquire powers that allow them to act on nature, on themselves and on others. That is why the caduceus has become the symbol of medicine. The caduceus of Hermes represents a whole philosophy and discipline of life. It teaches us how to work with the two negative and positive currents that circulate in the universe. A true Initiate, who works with the two principles, who knows the power of the two principles as an instrument, a weapon, a medicine – this Initiate possesses true powers.*
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov