Titles Included: A Living Book – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 1; Life with the Master Peter Deunov – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 2; The Mystery of Light, by Georg Feuerstein (Revised and Expanded); Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, A Biography, by Louise-Marie Frennette; The Solar Revolution and the Prophet, by Pierre C. Renard $ 109.75 $ 55.00 Pentagram Biography Sale Order |
Each of these biographical books reflects a major aspect of the Pentagram (Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, Kindness).
We recommend that you start with the Master's definitive 2-volume autobiography. Omraam loved his life, and he viewed everyone and everything with eyes of Love (A Living Book – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 1). And before moving to France, he spent 20 years learning Wisdom from his own Master (Life with the Master Peter Deunov – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 2). Deep Truth about the life and Teaching of Master Omraam can be found in The Mystery of Light, by the award-winning author and spiritual researcher Georg Feuerstein (Revised and Expanded Edition, but now out of print — we have most of the last remaining copies). In the Foreword, Larry Dossey, M.D. wrote that "this book . . . is in a class by itself." Then we have the rare First Edition of Louise-Marie Frenette's book Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, A Biography (later republished as The Life of a Master in the West). Drawn from the Master's 5000 talks, plus interviews with dozens of people, in several countries, who knew him, this book does Justice to his life story like none other. And finally, due to the Kindness of author Pierre C. Renard's widow, the publisher (Prosveta S.A.), and the PADME International Foundation, we are able to give away copies of Pierre's enthusiastic and transformative book, The Solar Revolution and the Prophet (you pay only for shipping). This book points the way to the next Golden Age! (And it is particularly well suited for young adults, as well as for all who are young at heart.) Included in the Pentagram Biography Series: Love: A Living Book – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 1, (reg. $24.95) Wisdom: Life with the Master Peter Deunov – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 2, (reg. $24.95) Truth: The Mystery of Light, by Georg Feuerstein (Revised and Expanded), (reg. $24.95) Justice: Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, A Biography, by Louise-Marie Frenette, (reg. $14.95) Kindness: The Solar Revolution and the Prophet, by Pierre C. Renard, (reg. $19.95) |