Read the thought of the day
of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
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Beautiful discovery of speech and teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
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Daily Meditation: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Communion - with the Creator in all the acts of everyday life
It is not a question of belonging to one religion rather than another, of observing one rite rather than another. A rite is only a form, and forms are useful only to the extent to which we are capable of bringing life to them, of giving them content. To take Communion with the host and wine, for example, is an empty gesture unless we have learned to communicate with the Creator in a much broader, deeper way in all the simplest acts of everyday life: eating and drinking, walking, breathing, looking and listening, sleeping, loving and working. Yes, while we are breathing, while we are sleeping or gazing at the beauties of nature, at the mountains, oceans, sun or the stars, we can also experience magnificent states of consciousness that are communion. This is the only true communion, which gives meaning to the Christian rite of Communion.*