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So many love stories end in failure! And yet, instinctively,…
So many love stories end in failure! And yet, instinctively, each time a man and woman begin to love again, they hope that this time their love will be wonderful, that they have found their soul mate and will taste life to the fullest. Where does this hope come from? From a memory of the distant past, from the knowledge - deeply buried within them - that in the divine world above, the union of the masculine and feminine principles is achieved in the greatest light, greatest beauty and greatest joy. Men and women do not find this same fulfillment because they search for each other on too low a level. The true marriage between two persons is the union of their soul and spirit. If people are disappointed, it is because they have not been able to achieve this marriage. Happiness is only possible when they succeed in uniting in the higher regions.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov