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Venturing into the subconscious is as dangerous as diving …
Venturing into the subconscious is as dangerous as diving into the depths of the ocean, because monsters swarm there as well, ready to devour those imprudent enough to descend without proper instruction or equipment. You will say: 'But where do we go to get equipped?' Well, in fact it is not so easy. You can find this equipment only in a region that is above consciousness and self-consciousness: in the superconsciousness. Before diving into the subconscious, you must elevate yourself to this height, in order to acquire knowledge of the structure of these obscure regions and the nature of the entities which live in them. And it is here as well that you can develop a powerful will, a luminous aura which will allow you to descend without danger into the depths. The monsters which inhabit them will withdraw only if they see that you are well instructed and well armed.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov