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Are you aware that during meals your preoccupations usually …
Are you aware that during meals your preoccupations usually have nothing to do with the act of eating? Well, from now on try to show some regard for what you have put on your plate, and at least say: ‘Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to taste you through these vegetables and fruits, which are bearers of your life.’ Our thoughts and feelings affect the functioning of the salivary glands in particular. Once activated, these glands secrete chemical elements which extract energy from our food. It is not the stomach but the mouth and tongue which receive the quintessence of our foods, thanks to our feelings of love and the thoughts associated with it. The tongue and mouth are equipped to extract what is essential and vital from our food and to send it to the brain and the entire nervous system. Even before our food has passed into the stomach and intestines, our organism has already absorbed its etheric elements, which give us vitality and restore us.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov