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It is only our work that matters, and, once a disciple has …
It is only our work that matters, and, once a disciple has found his true work, he must never stop. The Master Peter Deunov made a habit of repeating these three words: Rabota, rabota, rabota… Vrémé, vrémé, vrémé… Véra, véra, véra. That is to say: ‘Work, time and faith’. He never explained why he repeated these three words, but I thought a great deal about this and understood that he had condensed an entire philosophy of life into them. It is this: we must work, but, if we are to undertake and continue this work, we also need faith and, above all, time. Just because you desire something ardently, it does not mean you will achieve it quickly. You must be patient, very patient. That’s right; years and years go by, and now I know what vrémé is.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov