The Night of Wesak - May, 4 in 2015 - #1

"Each year, in the Himalayas, during the night of the full moon in May, the ceremony of Wesak takes place. The full moon in May is doubly under the influence of Taurus: the sun has been in this sign since 21 April, and the moon is also exalted in this sign. Taurus represents prolific nature, fertility and abundance, emphasized further by the fact that it is the home of Venus, the planet of creation.
So the full moon in May offers the best conditions for working with the forces of nature to attract heaven’s blessings for the harvest and livestock, but also for human beings. For, if humans know how to attract the beneficial effects circulating through the cosmos at this time, they too can benefit from them, not only on the physical plane but also on the spiritual plane.

This is why, by means of meditations, prayers, chants and magical invocations, initiates seek to create lines of force in space that will attract energies, which they send to all beings who are vigilant, awakened and capable of participating at this event."

Harmony is the only true essential condition for being connected

There are places on earth that are more favourable than others for this cosmic work, like the Himalayas at 75° East and 30° North. That is the Initiatesʼ meeting place.
The site where the ceremony of Wesak takes place is the most powerful of all. Some initiates go there physically, others by astral projection.

But it is possible for everyone, including you, to take part in thought.
During this night, you must not keep any metal object on you, since metal is not a good conductor of the waves of energy that come down from spiritual regions. But the only truly essential condition for being admitted to this festival is harmony. So be careful not to hold onto any negative thought or feeling towards others, and find the right inner attitude that will allow you to receive the blessings that the initiates send to the children of God on this night."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Alchemy
$ 24.95

Other books on the same subject:

The Powers of Thought
Know Thyself:  Jnana Yoga - Part 1           Harmony 

$ 3.95

$ 12.95

$ 21.95           $ 19.95

Go to the second letter "the Night of Wesak - Prepare yourself"

Go to the third letter "Let us continue our Work for a high Ideal"


Our increasing awareness helps not only ourselves but also those around us.
To share with others is your gift to them.

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Syntaxes of research

word1 word2: search on at least one of the two words.
+word1 +word2: search on both words.
"word1 word2": search on the expression between" ".
word*: searches on the beginning of the word, whatever the end of the word.
-word: the word behind - is excluded from the search.