A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
disinterested love for all human beings
is not going without but moving to a higher plane
it serves the same purpose as fire
marks us with the seal of the sun
marks us with the seal of the sun
produces light and warmth within
the transformation of all our impure elements into light and heat
only those made in the name of fraternal love please God
those made for a sublime idea transform everything into gold
Sagittarius symbolizes the triumph of reason over the forces of instinct
Sagittarius symbolizes the triumph of reason over the forces of instinct
is in the divine imprint that humans carry within
is in the divine imprint that the human being carries within him
is in itself neutral, it all depends how it is used
should be concerned with better understanding the human psyche
more effective for human health than advances in medicine
good or bad, they have the right to grow
if you plant them, all the powers of heaven and earth come into play
learning to exercise one’s willpower
seek every occasion to put it into action
to master feelings and thoughts, start by controlling your hands
be able to open yourself to the riches of the divine world
it causes us to suffer, but allows us to sense true beauty
seek to improve the way it is shown
the opposite of susceptibility and hypersensitivity
Sensitivity and sentimentality
Sensitivity and sentimentality
the first is the expression of one’s higher nature, and the second, of one’s lower nature
nature has installed channels to direct it to the brain
when controlled, it vivifies the cells in your body, including your brain
only a divine ideal can control it
only a spiritual ideal can sublimate it
sublimating it contributes to the awakening of higher faculties
when you do not master it, it closes the door to the divine world
a subject where there is no single rule for all humans beings
how this question was obscured by Christianity
instinctive sexuality feeds inferior entities
a condition for the most luminous creations
a source of harmony and beauty
alone expresses the essence of the Divine
an expression of divine presence
brings harmony to our cells and to the people around us
during which the Master instructs his disciples
enables us to fuse with the light
install it in oneself to fuse with the light
it allows the divine Spirit to work upon us
place of fulfilment and perfect movement
provides favourable conditions for working with our mind
recharges our batteries with pure energies
requirement for the divine word
avoid seeing only the negative, bad side
in the worst ones, we must think to remove ourselves or make amends
whatever they are, strive to put them to good use so as to become inwardly stronger
a language, the reflection of our inner being
change it by passing through the narrow gate
its work is determined by our thoughts
its work is determined by our thoughts and feelings
what we receive through it is determined by our thoughts and feelings
a favourable time to receive revelations
a journey that should prepare us for another journey: death
a sacred journey we make into the other world
a sacred journey we make into the other world
go to sleep with a light-filled thought, a feeling of love
it promotes the crystallization of our inner states
journeys of the soul during Sleep
paying attention to the messages our soul brings back
plunged in psychic Sleep we can discover the meaning of life
preparing for it as for a journey
provides the conditions for our study of spiritual truths
revelations the soul brings back with it from its journeys
the need for protecting oneself from harmful entities
a trial that even Christ had to go through
it does not exist for those who know how to expand their consciousness
always different depending on the problem
real Solutions are found on high, in the domain of the spirit
finding them in all beings is a work of creation
guarantee of love: seek the Soul and spirit
not being able to study them scientifically, does not mean we must ignore them
seeking these in beings beyond appearances
the circumference and the centre of a circle
the importance of the events taking place at this level
an impregnable place within human beings
an unassailable region in human beings, regardless of conditions
it must impregnate our food so as to penetrate the matter of our body
it seeks to manifest itself through matter
its work on matter; example of nutrition
making it act in us so as not to be dependent on conditions
seek to reach the Spirit so as to master all situations
the centre around which to organize all our activities
the origin of everything that is
there are no limits to its activity
as aspects of the masculine and feminine principles
human beings must reach up towards the spirit
must never be seen as separate
necessary to find a balance between the two
a summit from which we have all the opportunities to take action
a summit within us that we must seek to reach
all our resources are within it
beautify your inner dwelling to benefit from their presence
a responsibility that is difficult to take on
bad pretexts for refusing the idea of it
danger of presenting oneself as such if you have not received the diploma from heaven
danger of trying to be one if you have not received the qualification
a soil in which we will grow and bear fruit
a soul cannot be prevented from going towards the light
certain unpleasant effects at first
do not wait for your material affairs to be settled before you live it
it is useless committing to it if you are unaware that it is a difficult path
it's purpose is to give birth to the divine principle in our soul
its difficulties must stimulate us
keeping ourselves free for work of a heavenly nature
like the ascent of a high peak, the rules are very strict
once informed, count only on yourself
pointless embarking on it unless you know how hard it is
practising it does not im- mediately solve every problem
sustains all the other forms of life within us
gives human beings the conditions in which to manifest their divine nature
he looks after his disciples night and day
he works first and foremost on the subtle planes
his role is to stimulate the disciple
in telling us the truth about ourselves, he is our true friend
age is no disadvantage if they identify with the spirit
have an advantage over materialists: they take their riches with them wherever they go
is based on the repetition of the same truths
concerns the heart, soul, and spirit more than the intellect
creates trouble if we do not know how to apply it
Spiritual transformation happens in the blink of an eye following centuries of effort
Spiritual transformation happens in the blink of an eye following centuries of effort
our inner achievements are invisible
persevere in order to accomplish luminous work
comparable to the action of the sun on the earth
is a science, but it requires us to lead a certain way of life
its benefits, even to those who have the impression it has nothing much to offer
its benefits, even to those who have the impression it has nothing much to offer
its superiority over materialism: carry all your wealth with you
making the physical body an instrument of spirit
making use of every possible activity to link in to the light
precautions necessary to live it harmoniously
vital necessity for human beings
must become the expression of the divine Word
we must master it so that it becomes an expression of the divine Word
cultivate it within you in order to face the changes in the outer world
remaining loyal to one’s high ideal
contemplating them puts our problems and worries into perspective
difficulty in knowing to whom it is due
implies that you are equally determined in both spiritual and in material terms
a fire that burns away impurities
accepted with love produces a perfume
an opportunity for working on oneself
black ink from which we can draw the most beautiful colours
can bring beauty, perfume and flavour to our life
Cosmic Intelligence only inflicts it as a last resort
in what sense it can be said to come from God
in what sense we can say it comes from God
it affects only matter that is not absolutely pure
it teaches humans which guide they must follow
its role is to give us warnings
know how to accept and understand it
learn the lessons it teaches us
method used as a last resort by Cosmic Intelligence to educate human beings
obliges us to develop certain qualities
opportunities for psychological work
others always deserve our help when they are suffering
overcoming it by identifying with our spirit
pray only that it will help us grow
see in them a source of riches
source of the greatest realizations
the useful kind and the needless kind
we can use it to grow in the light
arguments to resist this temptation
human beings have all the resources they need to not go to such extremes
all answers to problems are found there
focus on the summit to see the truth
a dazzling world inhabited by the most highly evolved entities
a reservoir of cosmic energies
a universal language that everyone understands
an unrivalled model of perfection, the true religion
as it rises, drink its light and eat its fire
as we open ourselves to it, so we must open to God
as we open ourselves to it, so we must open to God
by controlling our inner chaos we will become like it
can open our intelligence and our heart
For millions of years, it continues to shine and give its blessings
gives the principles of a universal religion
gives the principles of a universal religion
it inspires us with brotherly feelings
it opens our intelligence and our heart
it teaches us how to become luminous, warm and life giving
it teaches us how to remain up high
learn to be like it by projecting light and love
like it, some beings send their light and warmth throughout space
never doubt that it will make divine seeds grow in us
radiate light like the sun, the highest possible ideal
receiving the fruits of hope at sunrise
spiritual power, in the presence of which we learn how to become immortal
storing up its rays in our solar plexus
symbol of the centre or the summit, where we must be situated to assume our responsibilities
symbol of the Christ and of divine perfection
symbol of the universal religion
symbol of the work we are to do
teaches us how to stay near the summit
teaches us to serve God in all creatures
the most dazzling representation of God in the universe
the most intelligent created being
the most striking sign of God’s presence in the universe
the only explanation for the mystery of the Holy Trinity
uniting with it by means of thought raises our vibrations
visit it in our soul and spirit
visit it with our soul and spirit
we become like flowers beneath its rays
we contemplate it to elevate the vibrations of our being
we know it only through our spiritual senses
a symbol of the Lord: draw back the curtains to let him in
an expression of the heavenly fire
because we strive towards it, something inside us will remain close to it
capturing a spark that will bring you purity and light
different entities inhabit its rays depending on their colour
is always rising somewhere in the world
nourishing our subtle bodies at sunrise
seek it out to learn about the laws of immortality
thanks to it we become friends with fire
a feast the angelic beings are invited to
an evocation of this special time
an exercise: focusing one’s energies to be able to radiate out into space
it helps us to find our centre
learn to focus all one’s energies to be able to then radiate out into space
learning how to watch it, so that the day also dawns in our consciousness
linking ourselves with the spirit of Christ, the solar Spirit
prepare yourself to watch it the evening before
repetition of the first morning of the world